MAI is a 20 year old newhalf who works at a genetic girl bar

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MAI is a 20 year old newhalf who works at a genetic girl bar. She has a pair of very nice hormone breasts. They look so natural that I dont think a breast surgery is necessary for her. She is also so petite and passable that not a single customer has ever clocked her as a newhalf at work. She hangs out mostly with genetic girls among whom she blends in totally naturally. For her to model in nudity for SMJ it is quite a big deal. MAI left her hometown Aomori Japans northern-most prefecture famous for its apples for Tokyo when she was 18. So far outside of Japan shes only visited Korea but she is determined to make it to Greece one day as she loves reading about the Greek mythology. When she is not fascinated by the Greek gods and goddesses she enjoys drinking Sake wines and watching movies on DVD. Her choice of film star recently has been Denzel Washington. MAI does not mind what age of her man is, as long as hes got a good short hair-cut! She told me that although she looks like a care

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